Saturday, March 14, 2015

Birthday Reflection

(From Esther):

This was how I spent my birthday and it was beautiful. 

Thank you so much for your birthday wishes! They really mean so much to me because I see the friendships behind the wishes. And, believe me, if there was ever a time I needed you it was this year.

This has been the most challenging year of my life. Ava was diagnosed 2 weeks before my birthday. So how fitting it was that this year's birthday was spent discussing how well Ava's transplant went at our discharge conference! It was such an emotional meeting realizing we were on the other side of this terrifying procedure.

Our journey is not over yet and who knows how our story will pan out from here on out. There are a lot of unknowns, but there is one thing we do know. Our stories begin and end hedged in by God's foresight and beautiful plan for our lives. And no matter what twists and turns we encounter along our way, we know our stories ultimately will end happily as we rest in the Lord.

Not gonna lie-I probably hated more moments of life this year than all the years combined. But I walk forward and into the next year of life with a deeper understanding of God's kindness, His faithfulness, and a better ability to get down into the trenches with those who are suffering. May God use these things to further His glory and may He give me a flippin' break from learning tough lessons for the next 12 months. Just kidding. Not really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let us pray that this is the only flippin' test of your lives. This was a hard one, but you all made it!